My name is Raghda I am sixteen springs but actually I'm 3 years , and also I have other name more meaningful
yes I AM DREAMER girl

Do you know why I'm just 3 years?!

 because I found my real dreams 3 years ago, also until now I still making new dreams with every sunrise and it is very amazing for me 
I will tell you why I am dreamer 

why am I a dreamer girl ?!

well.. before years maybe 3 when I was a stupid girl who wants to do what other girls do, she just wants to buy a lot of cloths, go to shopping every day, travel to a lot of countries, live in a very beautiful house, have a modern car and a lot of things that is just what I SHOW to people ! 
and my dreams were just to be this girl as my rich friends … to be honest

 I was jealous from them much and I always felt like they are smarter and more beautiful than me and I am just stupid and ugly girl !!
poor kid !

I felt so tired those times it was so bad and I just wanted the solution to my problem as soon as possible   

I went to my parents and I told them about what I feel, they tried a lot to push me up they told me that I am beautiful , smart, I have all what I need.. but the value of any person in world not by his face or his money It is actually by what inside him and how he treats people… kindness and favor , they told me also to try  focusing in things more meaningful than what I motioned…
you know that I was child that’s why it was so easy to be sensitive and feel like "that’s not enough I need more" !

thanks for my parents and for internet they pushed me up and they helped me to be a NEW PERSON 
I searched on Google about things like "how to be happy" " how to have a confidence" "how to stop being jealousy" 
lol right ?!

I watched more than tens of motivational videos and read a lot of essays 
in the most of them they told people about one of the secretes to be happy and successful person is having dreams and make yourself busy to work in them

also they tough me about how to make dreams
 then how to be a dreamer and doer at the same time
 a lot of things that changed me 180 degrees 
I can't describe my feelings about that 
how I was and how I became   
actually it took much time to build my small universe inside me…and make a different character ,

but this small steps made me new person

Having dreams is more than just fantastic feeling.. because when you make dreams you catch your mind`s attention to something more meaningful than worldly and exhibitor things 
when you make dream you will just think of it and works hard for it 
when you make a dream then it means that you believe in yourself 
when you make a dream it means that you will use your abilities that Allah gives you in the truth and you will make them useful 
when you make a dream then you believe that Allah will help you to reach it 
when you make a dream you will not care about what people say about you.

You will be as you want because you can do whatever you want 
nothing is impossible in front of dreamers and doer   
DREAMS rebuilt my soul., made me happy .. made me doer.. made me thinker .. made me a person who always tries .. made me more believer in the human abilities.. dreams bandaged my heart harts    

Make dreams because you deserve your strong and YOU CAN 


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