
عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠١٩


DREAMER  My name is Raghda I am sixteen springs but actually I'm 3 years , and also I have other name more meaningful is DREAMER yes I AM DREAMER girl Do you know why I'm just 3 years?!   because I found my real dreams 3 years ago, also until now I still making new dreams with every sunrise and it is very amazing for me  I will tell you why I am dreamer  why am I a dreamer girl ?! well.. before years maybe 3 when I was a stupid girl who wants to do what other girls do, she just wants to buy a lot of cloths, go to shopping every day, travel to a lot of countries, live in a very beautiful house, have a modern car and a lot of things that is just what I SHOW to people !  and my dreams were just to be this girl as my rich friends … to be honest   I was jealous from them much and I always felt like they are smarter and more beautiful than me and I am just stupid and ugly girl !! poor kid ! I felt so tired ...